Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It’s that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that’s what the poet does.’ Allen Ginsberg
“I am lucky enough to have this volume of poetry in my home. It’s beautifully illustrated. The poems are funny, sad and moving but they are an authentic voice for mothers. There is something here for everyone to enjoy. ”
“This is poetry at its best, bringing solace, humour, and companionship to its readers and potentially positive change to wider society.”
“I couldn’t articulate what becoming a mum meant to me. Things seemed to happen in slow motion and really fast, all at the same time. Reading Kate’s poems and seeing Tim’s pictures felt like coming home. They resonated in a way that showed me that what I was feeling was normal and that’s a very rare gift.”
“Kate articulates with wit, warmth and deep sensitivity some of the profound and occasionally disturbing feelings that so many mothers grapple with, especially in the early months of motherhood.”
“I feel very lucky to have found Kate’s poems. As the mother of a toddler. it has been a relief to find writing that reflects exactly how I feel most of the time. Kate’s words are poignant, edgy, honest and totally from the core of her being. I love the poem ‘How Are You?’ as it is the most true to how I felt when I had my child - and often still feel today. Thank you Kate for reaching out to mothers with your beautiful words. Everyone needs to read them.”
“Kate’s work is an important contribution to the growing body of literature that is courageously challenging the myths of motherhood and instead exploring it in all its complexities.”
“Kate’s poems struck a chord with me immediately, as they have with everyone I have since shown them to. She puts into words what so many of us feel in silence and confusion, peppered with honesty, hilarity and hurt.”